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Frequently Asked Questions


Below are some of the questions we are often asked, so we have writen the information down to try and help you if they apply to you. If you still have any questions please do not hesitate to Contact Us and we will be more than happy to help.


Are you insured to carry out work?

YES. We are insured up to the value of £1,000,000. So you can relax knowing that all the work we carry out is insured and if the worst was to happen your items will be replaced quickly.

What guarantee do you give for the work you carry out?

All our work is guaranteed for 48 hours (2 Days). If you aren't happy with the work we have carried out, Call Us and we will come and do the cleaning again FREE. If you're still not happy with the work we will refund the money you paid us.

How much notice do I need to give in order to book a clean?

We recommend that you give us 24 hours notice but usually we can find you a cleaner for the same day.

How often do the carpet need to be cleaned

We recommend that the carpets get cleaned once a year for regular households, if you have a big family or you wear shoes throughout the house we recommend doing them more often to increase the life of the carpets.

How long will it take for carpets to dry?

Normal drying times for carpets are between 4-6 hours. We recommend leaving your central heating on to help carpets dry quicker. Alternatively on a warm day we recommend leaving the windows open and the air flow will dry the carpets naturally.

I have noticed a smell coming from the carpet after being washed.

If you have wool carpets this is nothing to worry about. When wool is washed it tends to smell afterwards. This smell will dissapear as the carpets dry. If you are still unsure please contact us and we will come and inspect it.

Is it safe for children / babies / pets to stay in the house while the carpets are being cleaned?

Children, babies and pets should be kept away from areas that are being cleaned and until the carpet is dry. There are no known risks to health and safety if they remain in another part of the house but if the customer is in doubt, it is preferable that they are kept out of the house during the cleaning and drying process.

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